Q3-Q4 2023 Guide to Expertise

Logistics & Transportation (L&T) Group

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Q3-Q4 2023



The Logistics & Transportation ​ (L&T) Group is a broker-led, meticulously vetted collaborative network of Colliers’ top performing industrial real estate brokerage experts across 50 offices in North America. We are dedicated to continuing education and training through consistent meetings and conferences to provide the highest level of service and outstanding results to our developer, owner and occupier clients.


Our members have:

- At least 10 years of experience in their market and a deep understanding of the real estate markets where they operate

- An understanding of occupier needs, including expertise in the ~95% of supply chain costs that are not rent-related

- A commitment to professional training that keeps our members on the cutting edge of the latest techniques to help clients

- The power of negotiating leverage as L&T brokers are completing multiple tenant rep deals every year in major North American markets


Colliers’ L&T Group members possess the insights and relationships to provide clients with a competitive advantage across North America, including Canada and Mexico. In 2022, our members completed more than $13.2 billion of transactions.


To learn more, please visit:www.colliers.com/us/logistics


Ports Visited

Our Reach

Members in 50 North American markets including Canada and Mexico


Need help with finding your next industrial property? Let our experts help guide you to the right decision.


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